Keeping Calm Through the Chaos: Managing Pet Anxiety During Thanksgiving


Nov 03, 2024By CJ

Signs Your Pet Might Be Stressed

A dog wearing a Thanksgiving sweater sits nervously with Thanksgiving guest nearby in another room.  A comfy living room leather love seat and a decorated table are in the background.

As someone who's spent many holidays with other people's pets, I can tell you that even the most social butterflies can get overwhelmed when their routine gets disrupted by holiday festivities. Here's how to keep everyone's stress levels in check (including yours!).

Look out for:

  • Hiding more than usual (my client's cat Chester once spent an entire Thanksgiving behind the washing machine)
  • Excessive panting or drooling in dogs
  • More frequent trips to the litter box for cats
  • Following their humans around like a shadow
  • Unusual barking or meowing
  • Creating a Pet-Friendly Safe Zone

Think of this as your pet's personal holiday retreat. Here's how to set one up:

  • Pick a quiet room away from the main action
  • Add their favorite bed or blanket
  • Include some familiar toys
  • Keep fresh water available
  • Consider playing soft music or white noise to muffle dinner chaos
  • For cats, make sure they have a high perch to observe from

Pro Tips from the Trenches

On Thanksgiving day, a cat sits nervously under a living room chair as guests arrive for Thanksgiving lunch.  A decorated table can be seen in the background.
  • Take dogs for a long walk before guests arrive โ€“ a tired dog is usually a calmer dog!  And, be sure to let others know your dog is tired and may need to lay down, or be left alone for a bit
  • Don't force your pet to interact with guests (I'm looking at you, Aunt Doris who insists on picking up every cat she meets)
  • Keep your pet's routine as normal as possible โ€“ yes, even on holiday
  • For especially anxious pets, talk to your vet ahead of time about possible calming aids

Remember, every pet is different. What works for one might not work for another, so be patient and flexible. Sometimes the best approach is simply giving them space to process all the changes in their own time.

The most important thing? Pay attention to what your pet is telling you. They're pretty good at letting us know what they need โ€“ we just have to listen!

Need more holiday pet tips? Reach out to schedule a consultation. Here's to a happy, safe, and peaceful Thanksgiving for all our furry friends! ๐Ÿฆƒ ๐Ÿพ